A Divine Art

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Who Created Jiu-Jitsu???

I’m writing this because the other day someone was talking about how great the Brazilians are for creating jiu-jitsu. I’m sorry but that misconception irritates me. Don’t get me wrong the Brazilians do know how to use jiu-jitsu, but they sure didn’t create it. I would just like to inform you that the Japanese created jiu-jitsu. More specifically it was the samurai. You see the samurai saw the need for a ground based martial art that would give them an edge over their opponents. Statistics say that over 80% of fights end up on the ground. The samurai knew this and created jiu-jitsu to aid them in their guerilla style warfare. Hand to hand and breath to breath, that was their fighting style. And even though the Samurai couldn’t use their sword all the time, they always had jiu-jitsu to fall back on. So I just wanted to educate you all a little bit and let you know who rally created jiu-jitsu. However even though the samurai created it, the Brazilians made it perfect and perfected it. That is why you have the two most famous fighting styles today; Gracie and Brazilian jiujitsu.

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